Clamav Mac Uninstall

ClamXAV (for Mac) wraps this antivirus technology in an easy-to-use Mac antivirus app. While it's no longer free, its one-time pricing makes it quite a bargain. While it's no longer free, its one.

ClamAV on RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS 7 can be installed from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository.

  1. This will remove just the clamav-freshclam package itself. Uninstall clamav-freshclam and its dependencies sudo apt-get remove -auto-remove clamav-freshclam. This will remove the clamav-freshclam package and any other dependant packages which are no longer needed. Purging your config/data too. If you also want to delete your local/config files.
  2. ClamXav is a free antivirus solution based on the Open Source engine, ClamAV. Even though Mac OS X is considered a secure operating system from the viruses that actively attack the system point of view, the users shouldn't enjoy the 'status quo'. The thing is, there are certain situations when a Windows virus can attack a Mac.
  3. A few weeks ago, I tried to update my ClamAV to the newer version, but I failed. Then I decided to uninstall it and set up the newer one. After I went to Add/Remove programs list through the Start menu and uninstalled this antivirus, I found in my TEMP folder Clam Antivirus is leaving behind lots of temp folders.

One liner to install EPEL repo, ClamAV packages, and correct configuration files.

If everything is OK, output should end something like this.

ClamAV Installation details:

Install EPEL repo:
Clamav download for windows 10

EPEL can be installed from CentOS Extras repository, which is enabled by default, with the following command.

In case epel-release package is not available for any reason, it can be installed from Webtatic or Fedora servers, with following commands.


Install ClamAV packages:

Once EPEL is installed ClamAV packages can be installed with the following command.

Once all necessary packages have been installed, freshclam.conf file needs to be edited, for ClamAV update to work.

Correct freshclam.conf file:

Default installation will return the following error when “freshclam” command is run, due to file being marked as example config file. Ayatul kursi malayalam translation pdf.

Error is caused by the following section in the freshclam.conf configuration file.

As specified in the file, last line in this snippet, needs to be removed, or commented out, in order for “freshclam” command to work.
Line can be removed with the following command.

Clamav Windows

Enable automatic Updates:

By default freshclam cronjob is disabled, and last line needs to be removed or commented out from /etc/sysconfig/freshclam in order for automatic updates to run.

Lines can be removed with following command.

Correct scan.conf file:

Same needs to be done for scan.conf file

Clamav For Linux

Following command removes the line from scan.conf file.

We also need to define the socket file.
If we try to run clamd, following error is returned.

Checking the scan.conf file, we see socket file is commented out.

Comment can be removed with following command.